
Saturday, 30 November 2013

November favourites

Hello Y'all

Where has time gone? How is it already (almost) December?
This month I have found a few things that I like, and done lots of things that I have enjoyed.

I have been writing a lot of essays this month, and procrastinating to the max, so finding this little gem has been key in getting me to actually do some work! Everyone 100 words you get a new picture of a kitten so it is great inspiration for getting your essays done.

2. Primark super cosy tights
I hate wearing trousers (weird I know) So I need warmer tights for winter and these are amazing. Last year I had John Lewis polar fleece lined tights but this year I cant afford £10 a pair so Primark are the next best thing! My one gripe is that at 5'9'' the tights are a bit short so I keep having to pull them up :(

3. Going home
I have never been homesick, even when I was alone on the other side of the world, but going back to uni after a weekend at home was so hard. I miss being able to pop round my best friends and taking her dog for a walk, I miss how big my room is and I miss how small Cambridge is! It sounds strange, but living in a massive city like Birmingham has made me appreciate how easy it is to get around in Cambridge. I only have 2 weeks left of uni before a month at home, so hopefully that should help.

4. The Christmas Market
In Birmingham we have a beautiful German Christmas market, and last night a few friends and I went to enjoy a beer, a half metre sausage and a German man dressed as Santa belting out some classics.I also had a mug of hot apple wine, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that was bliss in a cup, deffo my favourite Christmas drink. I hate cloves so all mulled things are out and it is nice to find something so I can join in with warm alcohol on a cold winters night.

What have you been enjoying this month?

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Student Life

Hey Y'all

So here I am writing this blog post instead of doing one of the 3 essays I have due in in the next two week, as you do. It's one of my biggest problems and I need to try to figure out a way to manage my time effectively.

Uni essays are a big step up from A levels, especially if you've taken a year off like me. Being given a title on a subject you know nothing about and being expected to find ten (or more) peer reviewed sources and them assuming you know how to reference correctly can be very daunting.

I tend to sit at my desk all afternoon, watching Spooks or CSI or some random american trash on Netflix and flicking between Facebook and Twitter. Then I moan to my friends about how little work I have don and how little time I have left to do it. Then they invite me over and I waste the evening away arranging a Secret Santa. I finally get into the swing of things around midnight and stay up until 3 reading scientific journals. Then I wake up the next morning and I've missed my lecture.


There needs to be less of this:

And a whole heap more dedication to my work.Even though first year doesn't count I want to instil a work ethic that helps me to get the highest marks possible. After all I am paying £9000 a year.

Lets hope I find light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

20 Things about me

Hey Y'all

Today I thought I'd do a post about myself to let you get to know me a bit better.

1. I study geography at the University of Birmingham.

2. I'm from Cambridge and I absolutely love my home town.

Cambridge at its best on a clear winters day
3. I am the most clumsy person. (Last week I put my finger on a hob to see if it was on. It was.)

4. I am addicted to trashy telly - Dance Moms, Made in Chelsea, Strictly Come Dancing - you name it I'll watch it!

5. I love cooking, and all my flatmates think its weird that I spend ages making my dinner rather than just heating something up in the microwave.

My Le Creuset bread - delish
6. I have had a job since I was 16, and it feels really strange not to be at work every weekend now I'm at uni.

7. My favourite food is cheese. Any sort is fine with me.

8. I used to be super sporty at secondary school, I did swimming, ballet and musical theatre and was in every school team possible, but at sixth form I gave up everything which is one of my biggest regrets.

9. I have girl guiding to thank for my wanderlust. In 2010 it was the centenary of Guiding, so a group of us went to India to celebrate. In 3 weeks we saw so much and I will always have a soft spot for Pune, a city east of Mumbai.

A bangle seller in the markets of Pune
10. I am incredibly excited for the McBusted tour, and I have tickets to see them in Birmingham! 

11. I have a mild obsession with Muji coloured pens. I have all the colours and they write amazingly.

12. I have more than a mild obsession with maps. I thinks its the geographer in me, but I could look at maps, old and new, all day long. 

13. I love photography, but I have so much to learn - hopefully I can get more kit before I go to Indonesia

A little girl at a school I visited in the Punjab
14. One of my new years resolutions was to learn how to be girly. I have always loved dresses and make up, I'm just not very good at wearing them. I think I am learning though, slowly but surley.

15. I love singing but I'll never sing in front of people

16. I'm quite a quiet person, but I'm not shy. I just need to think before I say things.

17. I have worn glasses since I was 3 - and I hated them for so long. Now I can't imagine not wearing them.

18. I did well at school, but hated the school environment. there was always a teacher that I had a problem with, even when I moved up to sixth form. (Looking back it was probably because I was as stubborn as anything.)

19. My favourite drink is strawberry and lime Koppaberg, but now I'm a poor student dark fruits Strongbow will have to do. 

20. I am very ginger.

Thanks for reading, do you have any interesting facts?

Monday, 18 November 2013

Exciting Times!

Hey Y'all!

I've just been confirmed on a trip to Indonesia with Operation Wallacea! I'm super excited as it means that I have the chance to spent 2 weeks as a research assistant in the jungles of Sulawesi, and then 2 weeks researching coral reefs on an island called Hoga.

Indonesia was just one of the locations I could have chosen, OpWall run 9 programmes looking into conservation management and biodiversity across the globe.

I chose the Indonesia camp because of the location - it's located in the Wallacea region (hence the company name) and has lots of unique species, and is one of the least studied forests, so there is a large chance of finding new vertebrate species. 

I am also really looking forward to diving again. I learnt in Thailand so it would be great to brush up my skills in the most biologically diverse coral reefs in the world.

The only downside is the cost! I need to cover flights, dive kit, camera kit and the actual expedition so I'll be doing loads of fundraising over the next 6 months. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! 

Sunday, 17 November 2013


Hey y'all

I'm Connie, I'm 19 (almost 20...) and currently a student at the University of Birmingham.
2013 has been a pretty exciting year for me, I started the year working full time with some fabulous people, which really helped me boost my self confidence and taught me how to talk to anyone.

I then hopped on a plane to Australia for 6 weeks. It was one of the scariest things I have done, getting on the plane alone, ready to fly to the other side of the world. However I had on of the best times ever and I met so many incredible people.

I also ended up meeting 2 of my friends in Thailand for an amazing month seeing such a different culture and some beautiful places.


My travels didn't stop after I arrived home in June. 3 of my friends went to |Greece for a month, and I spontaneously joined them for their final week in Ios and Folegandros, two absolutely stunning islands with completely contrasting atmospheres.

My final adventure was moving to Birmingham at the end of September. I was apprehensive about even going to university and was so close to declining my place and going to South America or back to Oz for a year. However I really love it here, I have some really good friends and my course isn't too hard (yet!).
I hope to be blogging about things I see and do, places I want to visit, pretty much anything and everything!