
Saturday, 23 November 2013

Student Life

Hey Y'all

So here I am writing this blog post instead of doing one of the 3 essays I have due in in the next two week, as you do. It's one of my biggest problems and I need to try to figure out a way to manage my time effectively.

Uni essays are a big step up from A levels, especially if you've taken a year off like me. Being given a title on a subject you know nothing about and being expected to find ten (or more) peer reviewed sources and them assuming you know how to reference correctly can be very daunting.

I tend to sit at my desk all afternoon, watching Spooks or CSI or some random american trash on Netflix and flicking between Facebook and Twitter. Then I moan to my friends about how little work I have don and how little time I have left to do it. Then they invite me over and I waste the evening away arranging a Secret Santa. I finally get into the swing of things around midnight and stay up until 3 reading scientific journals. Then I wake up the next morning and I've missed my lecture.


There needs to be less of this:

And a whole heap more dedication to my work.Even though first year doesn't count I want to instil a work ethic that helps me to get the highest marks possible. After all I am paying £9000 a year.

Lets hope I find light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I tend to do the same thing. I always get distracted and leave things until the last minute and then spend forever trying to get everything done on time. Lesson needs to be learnt haha!
