
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

20 Things about me

Hey Y'all

Today I thought I'd do a post about myself to let you get to know me a bit better.

1. I study geography at the University of Birmingham.

2. I'm from Cambridge and I absolutely love my home town.

Cambridge at its best on a clear winters day
3. I am the most clumsy person. (Last week I put my finger on a hob to see if it was on. It was.)

4. I am addicted to trashy telly - Dance Moms, Made in Chelsea, Strictly Come Dancing - you name it I'll watch it!

5. I love cooking, and all my flatmates think its weird that I spend ages making my dinner rather than just heating something up in the microwave.

My Le Creuset bread - delish
6. I have had a job since I was 16, and it feels really strange not to be at work every weekend now I'm at uni.

7. My favourite food is cheese. Any sort is fine with me.

8. I used to be super sporty at secondary school, I did swimming, ballet and musical theatre and was in every school team possible, but at sixth form I gave up everything which is one of my biggest regrets.

9. I have girl guiding to thank for my wanderlust. In 2010 it was the centenary of Guiding, so a group of us went to India to celebrate. In 3 weeks we saw so much and I will always have a soft spot for Pune, a city east of Mumbai.

A bangle seller in the markets of Pune
10. I am incredibly excited for the McBusted tour, and I have tickets to see them in Birmingham! 

11. I have a mild obsession with Muji coloured pens. I have all the colours and they write amazingly.

12. I have more than a mild obsession with maps. I thinks its the geographer in me, but I could look at maps, old and new, all day long. 

13. I love photography, but I have so much to learn - hopefully I can get more kit before I go to Indonesia

A little girl at a school I visited in the Punjab
14. One of my new years resolutions was to learn how to be girly. I have always loved dresses and make up, I'm just not very good at wearing them. I think I am learning though, slowly but surley.

15. I love singing but I'll never sing in front of people

16. I'm quite a quiet person, but I'm not shy. I just need to think before I say things.

17. I have worn glasses since I was 3 - and I hated them for so long. Now I can't imagine not wearing them.

18. I did well at school, but hated the school environment. there was always a teacher that I had a problem with, even when I moved up to sixth form. (Looking back it was probably because I was as stubborn as anything.)

19. My favourite drink is strawberry and lime Koppaberg, but now I'm a poor student dark fruits Strongbow will have to do. 

20. I am very ginger.

Thanks for reading, do you have any interesting facts?


  1. Great post! I really enjoyed reading the facts about you, I'm super clumsy too! LOL, I really liked the picture of cambridge, it looks so pretty :D


    1. Cambridge is really pretty, I miss it so much! I love your blog as well!

  2. great post! love those bangles!

  3. I loved reading this post! I love cheese as well and I'm actually quite clumsy too, hehe. I also love to cook in my student house, but mostly it are quick and easy dinners :) Love the colour of your hair!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  4. I love love love McBusted! I'm going to see them in Birmingham too!
    Eden xxx

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post :) I want to study geography at university and love photography too!
